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Hidronor News

Conmemorando el Día Internacional del Reciclaje se realizó webinar sobre “Ley REP, avances y metas de productos prioritarios”

Hidronor webinar ley rep reciclaje economia circular gestion residuos

With the aim of updating the industry and civil society on matters related to the challenges imposed by the Extended Producer Responsibility Law, its progress and the goals of valuation of priority products, the II online seminar was held on on Tuesday, May 18th, organized by Codexverde and the Faculty of Engineering and Business of the University of Las Américas (UDLA).

The event, which reached a participation of more than 200 spectators, featured a presentation by Juan Andrés Salamanca, Hidronor Regional Manager; Guillermo González, Head of the Circular Economy Office of the Ministry of the Environment; Mariana Soto, General Manager of the Center for Containers and Packaging (Cenem); and Eduardo Acosta, President of the Tire Renovation and Retreading Labor Association of Chile (Arnec).

Along with updating the audience with data regarding the generation of waste in Chile, each specialist thoroughly analyzed the current environment of our country and the industry, and demonstrated why it is so necessary to migrate towards a “circular Chile”, highlighting the benefits that this management will bring to the environment.

Furthermore, the revaluation goals of containers and packaging and tires - first priority products under the EPR Law – were addressed, in addition to the role played by companies dedicated to the management of hazardous and non-hazardous waste in this new stage.

Concerning these companies, in regard to Hidronor Chile, the great challenge ahead was evident, as the organizations that issue priority products will have to take over shortly, on their own account or through management systems, to recover and enhance the provisions of the national market which will increase the demand for this type of services. In this sense, Juan Andrés Salamanca highlighted that "at Hidronor we have a great technical and logistical capacity to absorb the growth that the market will generate in the near future".

He highlighted the vast experience of the company in its more than 25 years of service and explained, to those present, how Hidronor's management contributes to the EPR Law in different areas, thanks to the services of recycling, revaluation, energy recovery, final disposal, among others.

To conclude, the meeting featured a brief round of questions asked by the participants towards the exhibitors focused on doubts that currently exist in the environment.

The event culminated in agreeing to hold new meetings of this type for the general industry so as to stay updated with the new guidelines Chile will take in a circular economy, current laws and new challenges.

Check out the full video of the Webinar here.


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