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World Day for the Reduction of CO2 Emissions

Día Mundial por la Reducción de las Emisiones de CO2

Published on January 28, 2020.

Every January 28 around the world, the Day for the Reduction of CO2 Emissions is celebrated, a commemoration designated by the United Nations (UN) as the key day to make decisions about the care of our planet, creating awareness about the climate change and the environmental impacts it causes, promoting policies to reduce GHG emissions, such as investing in renewable energy sources, switching to cleaner fuels and modifying consumption trends through environmental education.

Climate change has produced by industrialization and current consumption patterns, the excessive increase in greenhouse gases from burning fossil fuels, among other causes. Within the actions that we can carry out to collaborate in the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions is the recycling, reusing products and raw materials represents a benefit to enhance the useful life of our natural resources, achieving a more sustainable economy and sustainable.

On this day we want to motivate you to lead a more environmentally friendly life. It is a council of Hidronor, committed to sustainability.

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