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National Environment Day, October 2


Published on October 02, 2019.

“Para celebrar, se abrirán gratuitamente Parques Nacionales este fin de semana”

Within the framework of the National Environment Day, which is celebrated officially every October 2, the National Forestry Corporation (CONAF), announced that this weekend (Saturday 5 and Sunday 6 October) there will be income free to the protected wild areas of the country.

This day has been commemorated since 2015, with the aim of promoting environmental education and raise awareness about the importance of knowing and preserving heritage natural of Chile, both its flora and fauna.

Traditionally, to celebrate, the first weekend of October the State's protected wild areas are opened free of charge, which are made up of 41 national parks, 46 national reserves and 18 natural monuments.

For more information on the parks and wilderness areas that can be visited, go to the website of the “Día del Medio Ambiente.”

You can check the source of this article at “Anuncian gratuidad para este fin de semana en parques nacionales”.


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