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With the 7Rs, circular economy promises to activate the post-pandemic economy

Economia circular promete activar la economia post pandemia con sus 7Rs

In the aim of moving forward towards the consolidation of a more sustainable country, reducing waste generation and giving those that are generated more than one useful life, circular economy initiatives are becoming more popular each day in our country. For this reason, today the trend reveals the 7Rs, which invites the entire society as a whole, both individual and business, to join these initiatives that go beyond recycling.

The 7Rs of a circular economy are: Rethink (by changing the economic paradigm), Redesign (by considering environmental impacts during the product’s life cycle), Reduce (by decreasing the amount of goods we consume), Repair (by fixing instead of throwing away), Recycle (by turning waste into new products), Reuse (by upcycling products) and Renew (by restoring worn-out products or components).

This trend, in addition to the regulations imposed by the Ministry of the Environment, promise to generate new projects in the country that will undoubtedly accelerate the activation of the national economy, since it is expected that more companies will join each day, with initiatives related to these 7 pillars of the circular economy, especially facing the new demands imposed by climate change. This will allow different social actors to find new entrepreneurial opportunities as part of a sustainable country model.

To support this cause, at Hidronor, we contribute with our services that include energy revaluation, recovery and recycling of waste, remediation and restoration of contaminated landto the country’s circular economy increasement, production of alternative fuels with calorific value, among others that are synchronized with the fulfillment of the goals established in the Roadmap for a circular Chile by 2040 and the EPR Law.

Let's build a more sustainable country together. Let's contribute to the 7Rs!


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