At Hidronor, we highlight the Environmental Education and Waste Guide of the Ministry of the Environment, which identifies the key good practices to raise awareness and promote sustainable practices.
Environmental Education consists of an opportunity to reflect on the importance of environmental protection and sustainable waste management.
According to the Environmental Education and Waste Guide of the Ministry of the Environment, environmental education must be comprehensive and address topics such as biodiversity, climate change, waste management and water conservation. It also emphasizes the importance of involving the community in decision-making and actions to protect the environment.
Regarding the management of industrial waste, the guide ensures that the most important action is the prevention of waste generation, as it reduces the consumption of raw materials and the costs associated with the production of goods, as well as the pollution produced by poor waste management. Likewise, it identifies key good practices to raise awareness and promote sustainable practices. Some of them are:
- Prefer products with a longer shelf life: Perhaps its value is a little higher than the usual product, but the long-term savings will be significantly important for the home economy and the environment.
- Prefer to buy fresh or bulk products: You will have the possibility to buy only what you need and choose the type of packaging you prefer to carry them. If you bring your cloth bag, much better.
- Prefer products with less packaging: You will reduce, from the source, the generation of waste.
- Avoid products with disposable packaging: Prefer those that have the option of returnable containers, that can be reused.
- Prefer and use rechargeable batteries: Prefer devices that use Lithium ion batteries that are recharged directly from the electrical network, they have a greater number of recharge cycles so their useful life is longer.
- Pay bills online: And ask companies to send you the account via email, this way you will avoid printing receipts.
- Avoid printing unnecessary documents: Better to save them digitally. If you need to print, do so on both sides of the page.
- Prefers organic and natural fertilizers, repellents and stimulants: For plants, crops and gardens, prefer organic and natural fertilizers, repellents and stimulants. You can make them yourself and avoid plastic packaging.