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Sustainability experts indicate that companies must begin to take measures before the application of the REP Law to their field

Empresas deberán tomar medidas antes que llegue la aplicación REP

At the beginning of October, the first regulation of recovery and collection for tires was published in the official gazette, which reported that from 2021, the collection and recovery goal established will be to collect half of the tires and value them by 25 %, that is, a quarter of the waste must be used, obtaining a new value as a raw material or to generate energy.

Articles such as tires, batteries, batteries, containers and packaging, lubricating oils, electrical and electronic devices, are the main ones that are promulgated in the management of the REP LAW, with the tire industry being the newcomer.

Although the rest of the priority products have not yet established their own regulations, it is recommended that companies act before the Law is established, since, as stated by Gabriela Quintana, CYCLO Sustainability Manager of Sustainability, “The recycling law will establish collection and recovery goals and deadlines for all priority products, this is imminent, so getting ahead will make it better received ”

If you want to learn more about this topic, we invite you to read  “¿Por qué es importante que empresas se adelanten a la Ley de Reciclaje?”


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