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On International Earth Day, the call is to take care of ourselves and protect our ecosystem

En el día Internacional de la Tierra, el llamado es a cuidarnos y proteger nuestro ecosistema

Published on April 22, 2020.

This April 22 we celebrate the commemoration of International Earth Day. In 1970, the origin of the celebration of World Earth Day was established, in which 20 million Americans took to the streets, parks and auditoriums to demonstrate for a healthy and sustainable environment.

The promoter of this celebration was the US Senator, Gaylord Nelson, who was seeking to make a A call to attention to the world regarding environmental problems that made our habitat more vulnerable every day, for example: pollution, excessive generation of waste, the conservation of biodiversity among others. In addition, the commemoration of this day gave rise to the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) of United States of America and the approval of laws related to caring for the environment.

With the spread of the COVID 19 pandemic, the invitation is to reflect and implement actions not only for the care of the Earth, but also to protect the health of people and the ecosystem. Therefore, it is vitally important that in times of COVID19, stay home and if you have to go out, respect the social distancing, so we can defeat this pandemic. Must reinvent ourselves as a society to improve our way of life based on the care and protection of our mother Earth.


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