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Is it possible to heal the environment?


Released February 18, 2021.

2020 was undoubtedly an exceptional year in many ways. Although the COVID-19 pandemic represented enormous challenges for the medical area, governments and labor reinvention for companies, it is also true that, environmentally, the improvement worldwide caused by a lower emission of carbon dioxide (CO2) fue bastante positiva.

The most noticeable effect has been a great atmospheric decontamination, reflecting a greater purity in skies and rivers worldwide; contamination that, until recently, advanced rapidly and had devastating effects that worsened the change climate.

We can take as an example of this case to China, since it has been one of the countries that had the most evidence on the benefit that the sustained decrease in CO2. According to NASA, this effect is "at least in part" due to the economic slowdown that has resulted from the outbreak. Based on this statistic, the Chinese president, Xi Jinping announced the commitment of his country to reach the top of its carbon emissions before 2030, and reach neutrality by 2060. This announcement that it could be decisive in the global fight against the climate crisis.

For our part, Chile also has made progress in establishing goals and regulations to reduce its emissions of carbon and contribute to the sustainability of the environment. During 2020, publishes the new goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions Chile, highlighting, among other measures, progressively reducing emissions up to a level of 95 Mt CO2 in 2030 (medium term) and carbon neutrality in 2050 (long term).

In addition, he promised to reduce by 25% total black carbon emissions by 2030, creating plans strategies for the management of the 101 basins of the country, restoration of a million hectares of landscapes and the reforestation of 200 thousand hectares of forests that contribute to the capture of CO2 what's in the atmosphere. Of the latter, 70 thousand must be native species.

In this sense, in Hidronor we are committed to contributing to the sustainability of the planet. So, For 25 years we have been joining this cause thanks to our management and treatment of hazardous and non-hazardous industrial waste. In addition, we have a plant that transforms the biogas extracted from the landfill into electrical energy Copiulemu, in the Biobío Region. This process reduces the emission greenhouse gases, as well as odors associated with gases emitted by the accumulation and decomposition of organic waste.

Healing the environment is possible and it is everyone's task, and together, with our actions, we can contribute to the desired improvement.


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