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Hidronor News

Successful seminar on circular economy and industrial waste in La Serena


Published on August 21, 2019.

Interesting alternatives for companies to improve their waste and water management with a Circular Economy approach were presented by specialists from the public and private sectors at the seminar "Circular Economy and Industrial Waste", held on Tuesday, August 20 at the Club Hotel La Serena.

The conference was opened by the Regional Secretary of the Ministry of the Environment (MMA) in the Coquimbo Region, Claudia Rivera, to later give step to a series of exhibitions that provided technical information of great useful for attendees.

In the activity, Hidronor presented the solutions it develops for the comprehensive waste management and generate environmental value within the framework of the Law on promoting recycling and Extended Producer Responsibility (REP). Its exhibitors highlighted: EnHidronorcreemos que es posible generar valor a través de la recuperación de residuos re-valorizables y de la disposición segura y sustentable de aquellos que no se puedan valorizar”.

Among other talks, Nadia Rojas, professional specialist in waste of the SEREMI of the Environment, referred to the actions that are being promoting from the MMA so that the country advances towards a Circular Economy and she provided details on the implementation of the REP Law.

If you want to learn more about this topic, we invite you to read “Seminario mostró cómo sumarse a Economía Circular y mejorar la gestión de residuos”.


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