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Hidronor News

Experts from the MMA, Sofofa and Hidronor spoke about the Role of Companies in the Circular Economy as a contribution to the Chile of the future


In order to address the challenges and opportunities that companies have today to implement production strategies and mechanisms that contribute to the sustainability of the country, a Webinar entitled "The Role of Companies in the Circular Economy ”, organized by the magazine InduAmbiente.

The event featured the participation of more than 80 spectators, and the exhibition of Guillermo González, head of the Circular Economy office of the MMA; Jorge Cáceres, director of the Center for Environment and Energy of SOFOFA, and Gonzalo Velásquez, manager of Hidronor Chile Environment.

The most important themes discussed at the meeting were the goals of the circular economy for the sustainable future of Chile, Recycling Law in force, Rep. Law, Strategy National Organic Waste, single-use plastics bill, Roadmap for the Circular Economy 2035, contribution of treatment companies waste (such as Hidronor) to the Rep. Law, evaluation of environmental performance Chile according to the OECD, current initiatives between the public and private sectors, among others.

Finally, the meeting counted with a short round of questions asked by the participants towards the exhibitors, focused on the regulatory barriers that Chile faces to advance towards the fulfillment of the goals set in Circular Economy.

In this sense, Gonzalo Velásquez, Environment Manager at Hidronor Chile, highlighted that “the companies should not see compliance with the Rep. Law, DS 148 and other regulations as limits to their functions, but as opportunities to improve and generate less waste every day in its production processes ”.

The general invitation for companies was to change culture and linear habits that we currently handle. "We must innovate to meet the objectives of Circular Economy in Chile" was the central message of the meeting.

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