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Environmental Dictionary

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Environmental management

Those aspects of the general management function that determine and allow the environmental policy to be carried out.

Greenhouse gases

Gases that are present in the Earth's atmosphere and that give rise to the phenomenon called the greenhouse effect. Their atmospheric concentration is low, but they are of fundamental importance in increasing the temperature of the air near the ground, making it remain within a range of values suitable for the existence of life on the planet.

Environmental management

Series of activities and policies aimed at comprehensively managing the environment of a given territory and thus contribute to its sustainable development.

Waste management

Action of collecting, transporting, storing, valuing, eliminating and marketing the waste, including the surveillance of these operations, as well as the surveillance of the unloading places after their closure or closure. The recycling operation at source of the waste that is reincorporated into the production process that generated it is not considered waste management.

Gestión de residuos peligrosos

Action that includes, in general, prevention, treatment and final deposition. (Prevention consists of reducing waste and its volume; the purpose of the treatment is to reduce its danger and toxicity, and final deposition refers to the appropriate mechanisms to prevent risks to the environment and human health)

Sustainable management

Any administration of a factory, company or any other human activity that is friendly to the environment; In other words, its waste or effluents do not pollute and that its raw material comes from renewable resources.

Taxonomic groups

Categories belonging to the biological classification: such as order, family, genus or species. Used goods whose reprocessing does not cause contamination, green products.


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