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Industry News

Government presents reforms to improve delivery of sectoral permits

Gobierno presenta reformas para mejorar entrega de permisos sectoriales

After weeks (or months) of waiting and high expectations from the business world, President Gabriel Boric presented the Intelligent System of Permits and Environmental Assessment 2.0, two reforms aimed at accelerating public and private investment. This is a desire widely shared by the different productive sectors that seek to move towards greater development and competitiveness of the Chilean economy.

For the mining industry this represents an important step, since thanks to these improvements the total processing times of projects will be significantly reduced. This is added to another set of measures, such as the implementation of a public body created to enforce processing standards; the digitization of permits through a virtual single window of the State; the strengthening of the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) as a key element for territorial and environmental balance, among other guidelines.

Without a doubt, these reforms represent a relevant boost for industries, particularly mining, to continue contributing to the country's economic growth by providing vital income for the State and generating formal employment in the regions where these projects are located.

As Hidronor we applaud this initiative that will further strengthen this key industry for the Chilean economy, which we support through our high-level solutions and services. In fact, we serve more than 85% of companies of this type that operate in the country, accompanying them in the handling and management of the waste they generate, as well as the remediation and sanitation of land contaminated by said industry.

At Hidronor we are moving towards a more sustainable future!


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