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Environmental Dictionary

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Set of environmental conditions in which a biocenosis, a species or an individual lives.

Hydrocarbon (HC)

Hydrocarbons in petroleum are major pollutants of many different organic compounds. There may be soluble and insoluble, degradable and persistent, etc.


Chemical substance that prevents the growth of harmful herbs that grow in a field.

Sulfur hexafluoride (SF6)

It is one of the six greenhouse gases that are being reduced under the Kyoto Protocol. They are widely used in heavy industry for the insulation of high voltage equipment and as an aid in the manufacture of cable cooling systems.

Chlorinated Hydrocarbons

Volatile and / or polycyclic hydrocarbons provided with chlorine atoms. Several groups are distinguished: aliphatic chlorides, aromatic chlorinates, polycyclic chlorides (PCBs).

Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs)

One of the six greenhouse gases that are being eliminated under the Kyoto Protocol. They are produced commercially as substitutes for chlorofluorocarbons. HFCs are used primarily in refrigeration and semiconductor manufacturing.


Reacción química entre agua y otra sustancia, como sales. Al ser disueltas en agua, sus iones constituyentes se combinan con los iones hidronio u oxonio, H3O+ o bien con los iones hidroxilo, OH-, o ambos (puede decirse que el agua reacciona “rompiendo el compuesto”). Dichos iones proceden de la disociación o autoprotólisis del agua. Esto produce un desplazamiento del equilibrio de disociación del agua y como consecuencia se modifica el valor del pH.


Property of living organisms that consists of their ability to maintain a stable internal condition, compensating for changes in their environment through the regulated exchange of matter and energy with the outside (metabolism).


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