Canal Venta Telefónica



Hidronor News

Hidronor contributes to environmental care with the recovery of industrial soils


Confronted with the pollution produced by the dispersion, spillage or transfer of dangerous substances that accumulate in soils as a result of industrial activities, we at Hidronor have become a strategic partner to manage the recovery and revaluation of contaminated soils, contributing this way to fight climate change and the reuse of land for industrial or housing purposes.

It is important to highlight that there are more than 3,000 contaminated sites in Chile, mainly in the Norte Grande and the southern part of the country. Hidronor Sales Manager, Juan Andrés Salamanca, points out that “in our country great improvements and efforts have been achieved but after the last evaluation made by the OECD and ECLAC, we confirmed that one of main challenges for Chile is to strengthen the environmental institutionality that regulates and supervises the presence of contamination”.

In this context, a safe land revaluation process in compliance with national and foreign standards reduces their risk of hazard. For this reason, the correct extraction and transport of the contaminated material, the stabilization treatments of the land and its final disposal, with our support, make a successful contribution of the mining, logging and transport companies to the environment.

We invite you to review the complete interview with Juan Andrés Salamanca here.



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