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Hidronor News

Hidronor maintains its open door policy and supports the training of future professionals

Alumnos Duoc UC visitan Hidronor para capacitacion prevencion de riesgos industirales

With the aim to complement academic training and provide expert knowledge to the country's youth, last Tuesday, June 7, a group of Duoc UC students of the Puente Alto campus, taking specifically the hazardous materials courses that specializes them in risk prevention, visited the facilities of Hidronor (Pudahuel Plant, RM) with the aim to firsthand learning, and methods on how to apply safety procedures in industrial plants with specialized personnel.

During the tour, which took place at this institution for the second time and was led by Ricardo Leiva, Hidronor's Corporate Head of Risk Prevention; Alejandra González, Risk Prevention expert at the Pudahuel Plant; and Boris Díaz, Central Zone plant manager; there was an introductory talk where the executives explained to those present how each process is carried out within the company -which they were able to verify in their final tour-, as well as safety aspects and current regulations related to risk prevention in the industry.

“At Hidronor we maintain our open-door policy for all those interested in knowing how a company in our field develops the most advanced processes in a responsible manner. It fills us with pride to be able to contribute to the knowledge and professional development of tomorrow’s future collaborators, who will be in charge of maintaining and continue promoting the commitment that we have as a company to safety, the environment and the society”, pointed out Boris Díaz.

In addition to everything related to the prevention of industrial risks, this group of youths was able to learn much more about the processes of energy revaluation, circular economy and hazardous waste management that we implement in Hidronor, which gave them an open invitation to return and continue training as integral professionals for the future.

With these types of actions, we at Hidronor demonstrate our commitment to society, contributing to the best of our staff to ensure the maintenance of our sustainable actions for many more years.


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