Canal Venta Telefónica



Hidronor News

Hidronor develops biogas and contributes to a circular economy of urban waste


In order to add value to waste management, Hidronor Chile generates biogas thanks to the decomposition of the organic portion present in the solid urban waste it manages. In the Biobío Region, the company has had a biogas plant since 2018 which provides services to the townships of Florida, Lota, Talcahuano and Hualpén, and annually produces more than 6,000,000 kWh of energy to the distribution system.

Thanks to this management, the company contributes to odor reduction, renewable electricity generation and greenhouse gas emissions reduction. In this regard, Juan Andrés Salamanca, the company's Sales and Marketing Manager, explains “today, biogas is an essential source of renewable energy, a green and versatile energy. Our job is to take advantage of the waste we manage as part of our contribution to energy security and thereby generate a positive impact on reducing greenhouse gases. This is a complementary effect we manage in energy distribution”.

Hidronor’s sanitary landfill, located in Copiulemu (in Florida, the Biobío Region), produces biogas by decomposing the organic fraction of the waste deposited in the sanitary landfill and generates electricity close to 12.5 kV that is injected in the distribution network.

Check out the full interview with Juan Andrés Salamanca here.

Source: Reporte Sostenible


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