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Hidronor News

Hidronor stands out for the treatment of mercury extracted from mining tailings in Chile


Published on June 22, 2020.

Currently, our country has 740 mining tailings deposits located throughout throughout the territory, which annually generate tons of toxic waste with arsenic, lead, chemicals, cyanide salts, mercury, among others.

With regard to mercury, Chile contracted a great problem with the signing of the Agreement of Minamata (international treaty whose objective is to protect the health human and environment adverse effects of mercury), since, according to statutes, mercury It can only be exported to be treated in other countries in the event that Chile does not have the technical capacity or adequate disposal sites, and is here where Hidronor set itself the objective of delivering a tangible solution to this challenge.

“(…) Faced with this scenario, we develop a solution to treat, stabilize and confine mercury soluble and metallic waste, complying with the regulations required in DS 148 (…) Currently we carry out this treatment that has the permits and technical capacity for the transport, storage and disposal of mercury ”, highlights Denisse Triviños, Hidronor's deputy sales manager, who adds that at the company “we treat mercury, We confirm its stabilization, and finally we dispose of the material in the security cells with those that we have in Hidronor. In this way we ensure that the metal does not follow spreading toxicity in the environment ”.

East process is possible thanks to the company's experience, performance and dedication to offering the industry environmental solutions in waste.



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