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Hidronor News

We exposed our good practices in waste management to the Antofagasta Health Seremi

Hidronor expone buenas practicas en gestion de residuos ante Seremi de Salud de Antofagasta

As part of the different protocol activities organized by the Chilean Chemical Industry Association (ASIQUIM A.G.), of which we at Hidronor are a part, we recently held a meeting with the Antofagasta Health Seremi, Jessica Bravo, whom Pablo Seguel, A business executive from our company, together with representatives of associated companies, explained in detail the good practices of the industry and the open-door policy that we maintain as a company committed to environmental sustainability in Chile.

Likewise, we took advantage of the opportunity to comment to the authority that at Hidronor we are certified in the Responsible Care® management system, a global initiative promoted by the International Council of Chemical Associations ICCA (International Council of Chemical Associations) to promote the sustainable development of the industry. chemistry and the commitment to continuous work to improve the health, safety and environmental standards of all its processes.

Under this objective, we will continue working towards offering the industry a qualified and responsible service that allows us to comply with the required standards in terms of management and treatment of industrial and hazardous waste at a national and international level.


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