Hidronor News

Hidronor: we facilitate the process of the country's circular economy value chain together with our subsidiary Greendot

Hidronor economia circular Greendot

Las necesidades económicas y ambientales de la actualidad han obligado a las industrias a cambiar el convencional estereotipo de producción lineal hacia uno más circular que genere en el tiempo un mayor beneficio para nuestro planeta y la sociedad, y Chile no escapa de esta realidad.

Faced with this scenario, we stand out as a facilitator in the process of the circular economy value chain, working under the concept "from waste to resource" hand in hand with our subsidiary Greendot, thanks to which we offer global solutions in recycling, on-site recovery and management of industrial and hazardous waste, complementing the service for our clients and the attention that the industry needs.

In this same line, we advise companies with the alternative of recovery and revaluation of soils through the remediation of contaminated land, in addition to exporting and incinerating waste that requires it, such as halogenated pesticides, refrigerant gases or oils with PCBs, among others.

Specifically in mining, we serve more than 85% of the companies of this type that operate in the country, accompanying them step by step in the management of all their waste and providing comprehensive solutions that support their sustainable management.

Likewise, we have gone from being a facilitator in the value chain that seeks to convert waste into a resource to generate new products. An example of this is that for more than 15 years we have dedicated ourselves to recovering waste such as solvents, paints, contaminated oils and any other that has certain characteristics of calorific value, turning them into a liquid alternative fuel (CAL) with certain characteristics that is used in the cement industry, in addition to having revaluation services for containers, tanks and others.

At the same time, we produce biogas by decomposing the organic fraction of the waste deposited in our sanitary landfill located in the southern zone of Chile to generate electricity that we inject into the distribution network.

Thus, with the above, we position ourselves as a pioneer company in circular economy issues, and we work to enhance our capabilities and services to respond to the challenges to come.

We invite you to read more details of our services in the most recent report published in the última edición especial de El Mercurio sobre Minería y Economía Circular.


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