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Hidronor News

Hidronor: Promoting sustainable environmental management in Chile

gestion y tratamiento de residuos industriales y peligrosos chile

With extensive coverage throughout Chile, at Hidronor we serve more than 85% of the mining companies that operate in the country, accompanying them step by step in the management of all their waste and providing them with comprehensive solutions that support their sustainable management.

Our solutions aim at the recovery, recovery, recycling, treatment and final disposal of hazardous and non-hazardous waste. “However, when there are no recycling or revaluation alternatives, we proceed to implement the final disposal. For the others, there is waste recovery. All this goes hand in hand with the REP Law and the circular economy," says Carolina Escandón, Hidronor's Industrial and Hazardous Waste advisor.

In this way, we have become a facilitator in the value chain that seeks to convert waste into a resource to generate new valuable products. In fact, for more than 15 years we have been producing alternative liquid fuels from waste with calorific value.

“We work from organic waste such as oils, solvents and paints; then, we make a mixture complying with the chemical conditions required by cement kilns. Thus, we reduce the use of fossil fuels and ensure traceability for customers”, adds our executive.

In addition, as a company we generate clean energy that we inject into the national electricity grid from the biogas that we generate in our sanitary landfill located in Copiulemu (Biobío region). Along with this, we contribute to sustainable environmental management through the recovery of batteries, electronic devices, scrap metal, plastics, among other products that were previously considered waste.

We invite you to learn more about our services for mining and the industry in general in the most recent report published by Nueva Minería y Energía magazine on industrial and hazardous waste management.


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