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Hidronor News

We obtained certification of Re-verification of the Responsible Conduct Management System by ASIQUIM

Hidronor obtiene certificación de Re verificación del Sistema de Gestión de Conducta Responsable por parte de ASIQUIM

With a focus on commemorating Responsible Care Day, last Tuesday, December 13, the Association of Chemical Industrialists of Chile (ASIQUIM) held the first Chemical Industry Service Providers Fair in order to recognize the efforts made by companies Associates in the implementation of the Responsible Care Management System.

During the event, two interesting talks were held on Sustainable Production Systems and Potential Impacts of the New Plastics Treaty on the Chemical Industry; Information of great value for the industry that aims to ensure that the different actors continue to operate with the highest quality standards under the latest guidelines and protocols established in the industry.   

To end the meeting, ASIQUIM presented different recognitions to the participating companies, among which Hidronor obtained the Re-verification certification of the Responsible Conduct Management System, with which we maintain our voluntary commitment to promote continuous improvement and excellence in the performance of the global chemical industry in the areas of occupational health, environmental protection, social responsibility, industrial safety and protection of facilities, among others, in our three treatment centers nationwide: Pudahuel Plant (Metropolitan Region ), Copiulemu Plant (southern area) and Antofagasta Plant (northern area).

It is worth noting that this system (Responsible Care Management System -or Responsible Care-) is a global initiative promoted by the International Council of Chemical Associations ICCA (International Council of Chemical Associations) that promotes the sustainable development of the chemical industry with the commitment to continuous work in the improvement of health, safety and environmental standards of all products and processes.

At Hidronor we will continue promoting the environmental sustainability of Chile with our services associated with the management, treatment and disposal of hazardous industrial waste, which we carry out in facilities specially designed and enabled to carry out the previous procedures for temporary storage, physical-chemical treatment and subsequent disposal in security deposits governed by quality and environmental standards.

Together we build a more sustainable Chile!


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