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Industry News

Hidronor promotes reducing ecological overdraft and improving our ecosystem


Published on June 17, 2020.

Chile became the first Latin American country with an “ecological overdraft”, classified as such in May 2020 according to data provided by the Network Global Footprint Ecological In practical terms, it means that our country ended all your renewable natural resources available for this year.

The sum of the crisis for which across the country, both health (COVID-19) and economic, and the impacts environmental effects that are evidenced in the last time caused by the climate change, the degradation of ecosystems, among others, makes us reflect regarding our consumption, life model and linear production system.

According to the Observatory Report of Sustainability 2019 "Chile and its regions" (Faculty of Economics and Business from the University of Chile) our country has the highest per capita rate of municipal waste by person from Latin America, with a total of 418.7 kilos per year. By 2020, the Recycling Promotion Law (Law REP), an economic instrument for waste management in Chile, has formulated goals recycling and, To improve them, the Council of Ministers for Sustainability has approved some pertinent modifications during the last weeks regarding percentages and deadlines in the recycling of cardboard, plastic and glass containers. With These changes are expected to avoid 7.7 million tons of waste, which It implies an important contribution to the environment.

At Hidronor we invite you to citizens and companies to support these challenges and go one step further, aiming to a circular economy that is also restorative and regenerative to add value to the sustainable development of the country.

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