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Hidronor News

Hidronor participated in 2021 SPIM Conferences with information on "hazardous waste management in mining"


With the objective of keeping companies updated on the latest technologies, progress and needs of the mining industry available, the cycle of 2021 SPIM Conferences: “Sustainability in the Mining Industry”, organized by Reporte Sostenible and Grupo Mass Media Comunicaciones was held on the 27th, 28th and 29th of July.

Each day counted on the participation of different relevant actors according to highlighted themes as: water resources management, renewable energies, and "technology, mobility, innovation and the environment". In this last block, Hidronor's Commercial Deputy Manager, Denisse Triviños, represented the company and spoke about hazardous waste management in mining, detailing relevant information in this area and how the company responsibly carries out this work.

This way, the specialist explained to the audience, which of the hazardous wastes produced in mining are the most characteristic, indicating the appropriate treatment for each one of them or whether their recycling is necessary. In addition, she talked about the permits that must be considered, management plans, resolutions, hazardousness, implications and observations that can generate added value to the sustainable management of mining waste. Finally, she detailed the status of tailings and environmental liabilities in Chile, their importance and the opportunities that are presented as a contribution to increase a circular economy in our country.

Along with Hidronor, other companies related to environmental issues also participated, such as Codelco represented by Jorge Sanhueza, Sustainable Development Manager; Aceros AZA, with Bernardo Huenuhueque, project leader for recovery and valuation of surpluses in mining and industry; and Dr. Carlos Fúnez, expert in hydrogen technologies and fuel cells, Academic from the University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain.

Finally, a round of consultations was held where the exhibitors clarified the doubts generated regarding their presentations, ending this annual event, in 2021.

You can check the complete presentation of Hidronor here.


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