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Hidronor News

Hidronor participated in the Webinar about "Analysis of the current waste management of priority products"

Hidronor participo Webinar analisis a la actual gestion de residuos de productos prioritarios

With the aim of keeping the industry and the student environment informed about the current management of priority products established by EPR in our country, taking advantage of the International Recycling Day framework, on May 19th of this year the Webinar about "Analysis of the current waste management of priority products" was held, organized by CodexVerde and the University of the Americas (UDLA), with the support of Hidronor Chile and other companies associated with the sector.

At the event, with more than 150 people attending, the exhibitors Daniel Vargas, EPR coordinator of the MMA; Vicente Arce, Services Development specialist of the South Zone for Hidronor Chile; Paula Cifuentes, director of the Association of Companies and Professionals for the Environment (AEPA); and Eduardo Acosta, founding member and current president of the Association of Tire Renovators and Retreaders of Chile (ARNEC), had the opportunity to bring those present up to date with figures and key information on the current situation in our country in terms of recycling and generation of waste, as well as the requirements established by the EPR law to begin to take charge of these in a responsible manner.

Topics like the goals established for the retreading of tires, reuse and valorization of lubricating oils, electrical/electronic equipment, batteries, containers and the packing of hazardous waste, as well as knowing how to handle and manage them correctly were a fundamental part of this meeting.

On this last point associated with waste management, Vicente Arce highlighted the importance of complying with the required regulations, given the numbers that our country reports: Chile currently produces approximately 23 million industrial wastes per year, where 13 million correspond to non-hazardous, 8 million come from homes, and 0.62 million are classified as hazardous industrial waste, which makes it necessary for companies to work with Integrated Management Systems (SIG) that allow them to take care of these wastes in a proactive and responsible manner.

To meet this objective, "we at Hidronor offer the industry services associated with the treatment, recovery and management of industrial and hazardous waste, with coverage throughout the entire national territory with three treatment and final disposal plants, as well as accredited laboratories and a sanitary landfill allowing us to serve all sectors of the national economy that generate a significant portion of waste”, Vicente highlighted during the event.

To finalize, a round of questions was held where the experts cleared up important doubts to the attendees in order to clarify the information presented, the meeting concluded with the satisfaction of all the attendees.

We invite you to review the entire presentation of Hidronor Chile here.


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