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Environmental Dictionary

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Hazardous waste

Waste with intrinsic properties that present health risks.

Environmental damage

It is any action, omission, behavior or act exercised by a physical or legal subject, public or private, that alters, undermines, upsets, diminishes or puts in imminent and significant danger, some constitutive element of the environmental concept, thereby breaking one's own balance. and natural ecosystems.

Environmental impact statement

Statement of the competent environmental authority regarding the foreseeable environmental effects and the convenience of stopping or not carrying out the projected activity.

Supreme Decree No. 148

Health regulations on the management of hazardous waste, which establish the minimum health and safety conditions to which the generation, possession, storage, transport, treatment, reuse, recycling, final disposal and other forms of hazardous waste disposal must be subjected. In addition, criteria are established for the classification of hazardous waste and the responsibilities for the generators, transporters and recipients of these.


Process that implies a progressive reduction of the forest mass; that is, of the forests and plants that are present in an area.


Characteristic of a matter or inorganic substance to decompose into its component elements not by the action of biological factors, but rather environmental factors, such as rain, sun, wind, etc.


Process by which a chemical is reduced to a simpler structure. Matter breaks down into its basic constituents such as water and CO2 through natural processes. The term is applied to those products specially treated to achieve rapid decomposition, since time can make any compound degradable.

Wet stool

Deposition of air pollutants by drag through precipitation.

Dry stool

It is a form of deposition that occurs when gases and dust particles become more acidic.

Alluvial deposits

They are composed of earth, sand, gravel and other materials that have been transported in suspension by rivers or floods and have been deposited in places where, for some reason, the speed of the current is insufficient to keep them in suspension. Sedimentation, from recent geological times, formed in the deposition process of active rivers, is known as alluvium.

Sustainable development

Development that is capable of satisfying current needs without compromising the resources and possibilities of future generations.


Which is meant to be used only once.


Any solid, liquid or gaseous substance that cannot be used by an organism or by any system that produces it, having to design methods for its elimination.

Chemical Waste

Final substances of a process or chemical synthesis that appear to be the chemical risk. That risk likely to be produced by an uncontrolled exposure to chemical agents, which can produce acute or chronic effects and the appearance of diseases.

Environmental deterioration

It is any process or result that negatively affects the environment, understood as the set of natural, social and cultural values that affect and condition the life of societies.

Environmental diagnosis

Description of an environmental situation, based on the integrated use of indicators originating from the natural, exact and social sciences.


Last operational stage of the cleaning service in which the collected waste is destined or disposed of.

Solid waste disposal

It includes the collection, transport, treatment, storage (provisional), disposal and use of solid waste.

Final disposal of waste

It is the last stage in waste management and includes the set of operations destined to achieve the permanent deposit of urban solid waste, product of the unavoidable rejection fractions resulting from the recovery methods adopted.

Industrial chemical waste

Final substances of a process or chemical synthesis that appear to be the chemical risk. That risk likely to be produced by an uncontrolled exposure to chemical agents, which can produce acute or chronic effects and the appearance of diseases.


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