Canal Venta Telefónica



Environmental Standards

The enactment of Law 19,300 / 97 in 1994 established the General Bases of the Environment. This law provided legal instruments for the Chilean legal system in relation to the care of the environment. In turn, it gave life to the Environmental Impact Assessment System to which all investment projects and productive activities must undergo to determine the real effects that its operation will have on the environment.

In addition to this regulation, challenges were imposed by the entry into force of Supreme Decree No. 148/03 MINSAL, which represents significant progress to improve the country's management in the control and management of hazardous waste, and also provides analytical procedures to determine these dangerous characteristics. Moreover, it establishes lists that will allow companies to identify the hazardous waste they generate in a simplified way.

Chile, on its part, has signed international agreements such as the Basel agreement which governs the transboundary movement of hazardous waste; and the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants which has imposed greater controls in industrial activities and, specifically, in the chemical industry.

The efficient and safe management of industrial, mining and household waste must be carried out in compliance with current regulations and legislation. Below, we detail the main rules governing this activity in Chile and with which we operate at Hidronor Chile.

Law No. 19,300 / 97: Bases of the Environment.

Extended Producer Responsibility law and its impact in the mass consumer industry.

Draft Law on Waste and application of EPR in Chile.

Supreme Decree No. 148 (2003).

Supreme Decree No. 298/94: Regulations for the Transportation of Dangerous Cargo on Streets and Roads.

Supreme Decree No. 594/99: Regulation on Basic Sanitary and Environmental Conditions in Workplaces.

Regulations for the Storage of Hazardous Substances DS N ° 78/2009.

Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal. United Nations, 1989.

Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants.


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