Canal Venta Telefónica



At Hidronor Chile we are in constant development and concern for our environment.

That is why we rely on the support of different certificates to ensure that our operations are aligned with the care of the environment, occupational health and safety, as well as to ensure our clients with the highest quality standards.

Certificación Internacional en Seguridad, Salud en el Trabajo y Gestión Ambiental:

Hemos desarrollado una Política de Seguridad, Salud en el Trabajo, Medio Ambiente y Calidad implementada en todas nuestras plantas, y nuestro sistema de gestión integrado se encuentra certificado bajo las normas Internacionales ISO 14001, ISO 45001 y además contamos con Verificación en Conducta Responsable, abordando temas de interés de la comunidad.

This process is audited annually by accredited external companies, which verify the commitment of the entire organization and the fulfillment of goals and programs.

International Laboratory Certification:

Contamos con Acreditación ISO 17.025:2005 otorgada por el ministerio de Medio Ambiente de Quebec para nuestro Laboratorio de la Planta Industrial, ubicado en la comuna de Pudahuel, Santiago de Chile.

This is where hazard waste analysis is carried out and its treatment is defined with high efficiency, which makes it possible to ensure issues such as technical competence, the ethical conduct of personnel and the use of well-defined trials and verification processes.

This way, the accreditation that we have under this standard allows the results to be accepted throughout the world.

Learn about our certifications and permits:

Reverification Responsible Care Certificate - Antofagasta Plant

Reverification Responsible Care Certificate - Concepcion Plant

Reverification Responsible Care Certificate - Pudahuel Plant

ISO 17025 accreditation

ISO 14001 certification

ISO 45001 certification

Certification ISO 9001

Safety, occupational health, environment and quality policy.

Declaration, Mission and Vision.

ISO 14001 accreditation.

ISO 18001 accreditation.


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