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Environmental Dictionary

Lorem fistrum por la gloria de mi madre esse jarl aliqua llevame al sircoo. De la pradera ullamco qué dise usteer está la cosa muy malar.


Parámetros de vertido

Allowed values of quantities or concentrations of elements, substances or compounds, which can be discharged into the environment.


Polychlorinated biphenyls. Name that is generically given to biphenyls substituted with chlorine atoms.


Downward movement of water in the soil towards the saturated layer.


Hydrogen ion concentration in water. The concentration of this ion is expressed as pH, and is defined as the changed decimal logarithm of the hydrogen ion concentration.


Decomposition of organic compounds due to heating with a lack or absence of sufficient free oxygen.

Waste treatment plant

A treatment plant provides an environmental solution to the problem of disposing of the organic waste generated, through biotechnology applied in the transformation of these, in order to avoid damage to our environment.

Environmental policy

Set of measures that has a minimum of coherence with each other, aimed at achieving environmental regulation.


Term equivalent to contamination or impurification.

Make drinkable

Make water drinkable for human consumption.

Atmospheric pressure

Pressure exerted by the atmosphere on the Earth's surface.

Kyoto Protocol

This is what the convention puts into practice. Based on its principles, this protocol commits industrialized countries to stabilize greenhouse gas emissions.

Montreal Protocol

International agreement that limits, controls and regulates the production, consumption and trade of ozone-depleting substances.

Clean point

Place where the transitory reception, collection, classification and accumulation of certain types of urban solid waste (non-hazardous) takes place. In a clean point, only waste generated by individuals is admitted, never by companies.


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