Environmental Dictionary

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Science of classifying or identifying.


Layer of the atmosphere furthest from the earth. Its limit is marked by 500 km. Tall; the temperature reaches 1500 ºC.


Degree of toxic effect of a substance for living organisms.

Waste treatment

Method, technique or process designated to change the physical, chemical or biological characteristics of a substance, so that a non-hazardous or less hazardous waste is produced, for its safe storage, transport or final disposal.

Industrial waste treatment

It is related to all the operations to which a hazardous waste must be subjected once it has been generated; in other words, "any process designed to change the physical or chemical characteristics of hazardous waste, with the aim of neutralizing them, recovering energy or materials, or eliminating or reducing their danger."

Chemical waste treatment

Waste treatment or deactivation methods. It consists of transforming small amounts of reactive or dangerous chemical products into harmless or less dangerous derivative products, to allow their elimination or to be able to collect a spill without problem.


Lower layer of the atmosphere. It has an average thickness of 15 km.


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