Canal Venta Telefónica


Transport, treatment and final disposal of waste

We offer hazardous waste transportation service

in accordance with the different needs of our clients and with the widest range of equipment (tankers, hoppers, ampliroll, hook lift tanks, suction and flat ramps, among others).

We cover two areas within industrial waste:

Process description: The main objective of this treatment line is the treatment of Industrial Liquid Waste (IRR), mostly of an inorganic type, which, through different operations and reactions of neutralization, oxide-reduction, metal precipitation and solid-liquid separation, among others manage to reduce their pollutant load. As a result, we obtain an RIL that is reused in our production processes. Some of the wastes treated in this line are: exhausted acids, alkaline IRRs, process IRRs, equipment and facilities washing waters, chromic baths and gas cleaning waters, among others.

Process description: Its main objective is to reduce the potential risk of the waste by passing its polluting elements to forms of less mobility, solubility and / or toxicity, using treatments such as inactivation / stabilization. For the inactivation / stabilization of waste, we use treatments such as neutralization and oxidation-reduction reactions, in order to eliminate or reduce its dangerous characteristics.

Additionally, we use techniques such as solidification and encapsulation, where we remove free liquids and dangerous constituents are encapsulated. Some of the waste treated in this line are: unusable raw materials, exhausted adsorbents, deactivated catalysts, filter ash and dust, precipitators or cyclones, heavy metal sludge and sludge, and off-specification products, among others.

Process description: Security deposit is a disposal facility for the final disposal of solid waste, designed and built in order to comply with the specific requirements of the current legislation (DS 148).

For this, we use a double waterproofing and drainage system, a leak detection system, a leachate collection system and quality checks. The deposited waste is verified so that they meet acceptance criteria, such as: compatible waste in the same cell and waste that does not cause settlements or damage to the waterproofing system. In addition, to ensure its correct operation, we carry out specific monitoring as stipulated in the legislation and current environmental resolution.

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