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Industry News

Report exposes the urgent need to reduce CO2 emissions by 43% to avert climate disaster

Informe urgente necesidad reducir emisiones CO2 para evitar desastre climatico

Given the alarming figures on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions that were globally produced between 2010 and 2019, considered the highest in history, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) recently published a report with the analysis of this data where they reflect that, although the pace of this raise has slowed down, if emissions aren’t reduced “as of now", it will be too late.

The study, carried out by 278 authors from 65 countries, highlights that in order to stop the increase of the planet’s average temperature by 1.5 °C, the emissions must be reduced by 43% during this decade. However, the climate commitments that exist today not only "would they not reduce the pollutants, but they would increase them", which makes it urgent to take measures in this regard.

While the document emphasizes the urgency of beginning to take action in this subject, it also ensures that in all sectors there are significant opportunities to reduce GHG emissions. For example, companies can use materials more efficiently, reusing and recycling, and minimizing the generation of industrial waste. As this sector represents almost a quarter of the global emissions -according to the report-, it will also be necessary to create new production processes and use hydrogen and electricity with low or zero emissions, among other actions.

In order to contribute to mitigating climate change, we at Hidronor generate clean energy to inject into the country's public grid, that comes from the use of biogas generated at our Hidronor Copiulemu landfill, located in the Florida commune, in the Biobío region.

We, as well, recover liquid waste with high calorific value to transform it into alternative fuel through co-processing, which is then used by the cement industry to replace fossil fuels for its kilns, therefore reducing the GHG produced by this industry.

Source: El Mercurio


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