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Hidronor News

Interesting Seminar on Circular Economy and Industrial Waste in Antofagasta

Interesante Seminario sobre Economía Circular y Residuos Industriales en Antofagasta

Published on January 20, 2020.

Hidronor participated in the Seminar "Circular Economy and Industrial Waste", organized by InduAmbiente, on January 14 at the Enjoy hotel in Antofagasta.

The opening of the event was in charge of the Seremi of the Environment of the Antofagasta region, Rafael Castro, who referred to the advances at the regional level in the matter of waste management, while the exhibitions were developed by renowned specialists, from the public sector and private, who presented Circular Economy options for industrial waste in the Region.

Representatives of the Seremi del Medio Ambiente and the Seremi de Salud analyzed the regulatory and oversight framework regarding waste, considering that the Antofagasta Region generates about 25% of hazardous waste. Then, experts from various companies and the academic world unveiled innovative technical solutions to optimize the management of industrial and mining waste, as well as water resources from a Circular Economy approach. All this with a view to generating economic, environmental and social benefits for companies and their environment.

Juan Andrés Salamanca North Zone Manager of Hidronor, together with the professionals of the Seremi de Salud de Antofagasta, Ximena Villalobos and Manuel Herrera.

Our representatives Dafne Pino and Juan Andrés Salamanca, share with the Seremi del Medio Ambiente, Rafael Castro (at the center), and the executives of InduAmbiente, Carlos Araya and Cristián Araya (at the ends).



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