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Hidronor News

Conference on Waste Management, at the Universidad de la Frontera

Jornadas Sobre Gestión de Residuos, en la Universidad de la Frontera

Published on July 04, 2018.-

On June 28, 2018, in the Selva Saavedra auditorium of the Universidad de la Frontera, a meeting on waste management in the Araucanía Region was held.

Under the organization of InduAmbiente, the sponsorship of Hidronor and the collaboration of experts and authorities, the first meeting-forum on Waste was held with great participation from the university community. Counting on the presence of students who are studying the last years of the careers of Environmental Engineering, Industrial Civil Engineering with a Mention in Bio-processes, Industrial Civil Engineering with a Mention in Bio-technologies and Natural Resources Engineering, among others.

The presence of Gonzalo Velásquez, Hidronor's Environmental Manager, stood out in the program-agenda, who made a presentation on the importance and what the integral management of industrial waste and solutions to generate value implies. "Waste that cannot be recycled should be, as far as possible, valued energetically," said the specialist.

This University Conference is the first of a series of similar initiatives that InduAmbiente and Hidronor are carrying out in different regions of the country, with the aim of sharing information, knowledge and experiences that contribute to improving the management of household and industrial waste.

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