Canal Venta Telefónica


Useful Tips

The importance of separating waste for recycling

Reciclaje de residuos


Published on May 29, 2014.-

Did you know that, in Chile, according to a study by Conama in 2010, approximately 5.6 million tons of household and organic solid waste are generated annually.

If we make a projection for the year 2020, it is estimated that the Metropolitan Region will triple the generation of household solid waste that it produces today. Considering this, and that the generation of garbage shortens the useful life of sanitary landfills, it is necessary to look for alternatives for better waste management and one of these is recycling.

Today, a large amount of household solid waste that we generate daily is made up of recyclable materials and reusable products, therefore, a change in community habits towards waste management is essential.

The challenge then is to learn how to make a differentiated deposit of garbage, according to the color of the container:

  • Organic coffee
  • Yellow: Plastics
  • Red: Tetra Pak
  • Blue: Paper
  • Orange: Oil
  • Lead or Black: Cans
  • Green: Glass

The correct use of these containers has multiple benefits such as:

  • Reduce the volumes of waste generated
  • Take advantage of the resources present in recyclable materials
  • Avoid overexploitation of natural resources
  • Reduces the costs of final disposal of waste
  • Create new sources of work
  • Promotes citizen participation

Now it's your turn, we invite you to incorporate these recycling habits.


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