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What is the Recycling Promotion Law?

¿Qué es la Ley de Fomento al Reciclaje?

Published on June 12, 2017.-

The Recycling Promotion Law (REP Law) is an economic instrument for waste management, which obliges the manufacturers of certain products to finance and organize the management of the waste derived from their work.

As a consequence of the environmental damage that is generated by disposing of garbage in landfills or landfills, the Law redefines the focus of waste management in Chile, prioritizing the prevention and recovery of waste. This postulate considers entrepreneurs and manufacturers of priority products (lubricating oils, electrical and electronic devices, batteries, batteries, containers, packaging and tires), as well as consumers and their managers, such as companies, municipalities and base recyclers.

In turn, the regulation establishes that producers or importers of priority products must take charge of the goods produced once their useful life has ended. In other words, these products must be returned to the place where they were manufactured or, in the case of importers, to the warehouses where their distribution began.

The main obligations that producers or importers of priority products will have are “to register in a public registry of entrepreneurs and / or manufacturers, organize and finance the collection and treatment of products collected through a management system, ensure that the treatment of those waste is carried out by authorized persons and meet the collection and recovery goals of the products ”.

Source: Ministry of Environment


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