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Industry News

Deputies approved the REP Law in its third constitutional process

Aprobación Ley REP

Published on April 05, 2016.-

The Chamber of Deputies approved in its third constitutional process the REP Law (Law to promote recycling and extended producer responsibility). In this way, our country takes a further step in Latin America, on this issue, becoming a pioneer country in having legislation that will allow the establishment of an efficient public policy on recycling and environmental care.

After approval in Congress, the President of the Republic must promulgate the law, to later be published in the Official Gazette and enter into force.

This law seeks to formalize the recycling industry in Chile, generating an active responsibility in the manufacturers and companies of certain products to organize and finance the recovery and management of waste derived from their products.

Producers or importers of certain "priority products" must take charge of their goods, once they end their useful life. For this, the law establishes collection and valuation goals differentiated by product.

Regarding the Ministry of the Environment, Minister Pablo Bedenier referred to this issue: “The new law will allow a formal recycling industry to be created in Chile that will increase the rates in this area and transform it into a relevant economic activity. This will also help promote a culture of waste separation by the community, encouraging their contribution to the recycling chain, and will help implement labeling and eco-design systems that allow greater recovery ”.



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