Canal Venta Telefónica



What is REP Law?

The Ley 20.920 establishes the Extended Producer Responsibility and promotion of recycling (REP Law) to regulate the correct management of waste and promote its recycling, applying regulations for manufacturers/producers, consumers, managers of priority products (companies, municipalities and grassroots recyclers ), importers and traders of products belonging to the six categories of Priority Products (PP) defined:

Implications of the REP Law for Producers/Importers of Priority Products

Implications of the REP Law for Merchants and Distributors

For more information, we invite you to read in detail:
Actors of the REP Law
Obligations of companies
Principles of the REP Law
Thanks to our wide range of services, at Hidronor we play a key role in the waste process cycle, since we provide solutions for the correct management of waste under the concept 'from waste to resource', contributing to the value chain of the circular economy.

In this sense, and aligned with the six Priority Products established by the REP Law, we support companies with:

Lubricant oils

We valorize lubricating oils or products with calorific value that are contaminated to convert them into alternative fuels.

Electrical and Electronic Devices

We consolidate at a national level different electrical and electronic devices in disuse (such as cell phones or computer motherboards) to be valued at recycling companies that carry out the disassembly process, where the precious metals and aluminum are extracted from the metal casings. Likewise, we send precious metals such as gold, platinum, nickel and tin to Europe, so that they can be processed in ovens at high temperatures.


At Hidronor we have become a strategic environmental partner for companies in order to provide solutions in tailored revaluation and safe final disposal.


We valorize car batteries that contain acid and lead to produce cathodes for mining.

Containers and packaging

We provide treatment, revaluation and recycling of contaminated containers and packaging.


We provide recycling solutions for smaller scale tires such as trucks and vehicles through Greendot, a Hidronor company.

Contact a sales representative to learn more about our services.


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