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Progress of the REP Law: the first Large Collective Management System for the collection and recycling of containers and packaging was approved

Avance Ley REP primer Gran Sistema de Gestion Colectivo para la recoleccion y reciclaje de envases y embalajes fue aprobado

Chile is firmly committed to achieving environmental sustainability. For this reason, the REP. continues to advance with approvals and regulations to regulate and reduce the generation of waste, promoting its reuse, recycling and other types of recovery.

This is how the Free Competition Court (TDLC) recently approved the first Great Collective Management System (Gransic) for containers and packaging after 15 months of processing, which was named Re Simple and groups 25 companies from different industries.

The creation of this Gransic means a great advance in the regulations imposed by the REP. Law, since in September 2023 the collection and recovery goals for packaging containers come into force, which allows the actors to have greater clarity regarding the time associated with the court process. Furthermore, as it is the first Gransic approved, it will serve as the basis for the other management systems that are also in the pipeline, thus defining many of the criteria for the future.

It is worth remembering that the REP. requires that companies begin to take charge of the waste they generate and subsequent elimination of products that they introduce to the market from one of the six established priority products, such as tires, containers and packaging, lubricating oils, electronic and electrical devices, batteries, and batteries. To this end, the law authorizes waste management to be carried out individually or collectively (as is the case of Gransic).

Of the six priority products, the goals for the collection and recovery of tires, and containers and packaging have already been published, which come into force in January 2023 and September 2023, respectively. To date, three collective management systems for containers and packaging have started the process in the TDLC. In addition to Re Simple, this year “Todos Reciclamos” (January) and “Pro REP” (last February) were added.

At Hidronor we continue to support these initiatives led by the REP Law. and we contribute to the country with our waste management, treatment and recovery services, with which we support companies to meet the required goals and continue building together a more sustainable country.

Source: Diario Financiero and Pais Circular


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