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Industry News

EPR Law promotes the regulation of a new priority product

Ley Rep septimo producto prioritario ropa y textiles

Con el objetivo de incrementar la economía circular en el país, el Ministerio del Medio Ambiente anunció que “los que producen y comercializan ropa y textiles en Chile se harán responsables también de la recolección, reutilización, revalorización y reciclaje de estos productos”, pasando a formar parte de la Ley de Responsabilidad Extendida del Productor (Ley REP.) como el séptimo producto regulado.

Moving forward in this matter, the agency has already developed the necessary studies to prepare the EPR regulations that apply to the textile industry. In this sense, it is important to remember that this law currently includes six more priority products: tires; containers and packaging; Lubricant oils; batteries; electrical and electronic appliances; and car batteries.

This measure is part of the Circular Economy National Roadmap for Chile free of waste 2020/2040, which establishes seven goals by 2040 with 27 initiatives and 118 specific measures to drive Chile towards a sustainable, fair and participatory development, which puts the well-being of people in the center, through a responsible and efficient management of natural resources.

To contribute to the compliance of these current regulations, we, at Hidronor rely on our national coverage to manage and dispose of hazardous and non-hazardous industrial waste in a safe and sustainable way, in order for the industries that need to outsource services can do so responsibly.

Source: CodexVerde


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