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Hidronor News

EPR law: Alternatives in the industry for the transport, treatment and final disposal of industrial waste

Ley Rep transporte residuos industriales peligrosos

The EPR law seeks to change the current form of industrial production, moving from a linear model to a more “ecological” production line immersed within a circular economy, where companies must take charge of the waste they generate through transport and final disposal, reuse, use, recovery and recycling.

The good news is that in the industry there are different alternatives of companies dedicated to offering these services, which somewhat alleviates the burden of the EPR law’s new requirements for waste generating companies.

An example of this is Hidronor, a company with more than 25 years of experience in Chile that has a wide range of solutions for waste management and treatment. Among them, the transport, treatment and final disposal of industrial waste is one of the most outstanding “and now one of the most requested”, highlights Katia Villalobos, Assistant Sales Manager of the company for the Southern Area.

"With the implementation of EPR law’s new requirements, we, at Hidronor, have prepared ourselves and have the ability to meet all the needs of our customers, as our service offer is very broad," adds the executive.

In this sense, Hidronor has environmental and health permits, and highly qualified personnel to treat flammable, toxic, acute toxic, chronic, physical, reactive and corrosive waste. In addition, it has a long tracking record of exporting hazardous waste to Europe, for example organochlorine waste, with askarel, pesticides, PCBs types, among others.  

However, thanks to strategic alliances, the company is able to offer services such as multiple transport options on the market according to type of waste, recycling, among others, which allows them to meet and conform to all the needs in terms of waste management for companies nationwide that need to comply with the new regulations of EPR Laws, taking charge of the waste they generate.

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