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Industry News

Chilean mining boosts the green economy with 33 projects in the portfolio.


En la versión 89 de la feria Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada (PDAC —evento que reúne a los principales inversionistas y actores de la minería a nivel mundial—) Chile presentó una cartera de 33 proyectos mineros de cobre, oro, hierro, zinc y sal que se encuentran en distintas fases de desarrollo, bajo el título “Minería chilena: potenciando la economía verde”.

The challenge presented by our country implies how to project ourselves into the future, taking into account that Chile is a country with the conditions given to innovate through technologies and processes that help us reduce our carbon footprint and lower the costs of production of the mining industry.

To make Chile's potential visible, the Ministry of Mining and InvestChile prepared a document that seeks to detail the characteristics of each of these projects in order to encourage the incorporation of strategic partners that help their development in harmony with the environment and with surrounding communities.

At Hidronor we promote development of initiatives that add value to the circular economy and we support the development of our clients' mining projects that generate a sustainable economy for the country.



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