Chile is one of the countries in the region that has developed the most initiatives in favor of caring for the environment in recent years. Proof of this are the constant programs and regulations that continue to be promoted every day, such as the new bill that will prevent organic waste from ending up in landfills.
The initiative seeks to extend the useful life of sanitary landfills, reduce methane gas emissions and generate natural fertilizers by composting this waste instead of disposing of it, making it possible to face the "triple crisis" that the world is experiencing in an integral manner with change climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution.
Regarding its application, the project establishes obligations for municipalities to take charge of the management of the organic vegetable waste they generate, as well as measures to improve waste management and the creation of regional recycling strategies, such as home collection. , an organic recycling truck, delivery of composting bins or vermicomposting bins for homes and apartments or the development of neighborhood or community composting projects, among others.
How and when will it be implemented? The Ministry of the Environment indicated that the project proposes a progressive implementation over a period of 15 years, beginning gradually and in differentiated terms with its application depending on the reality of each commune. In this sense, and to facilitate the start-up process of this initiative, it is proposed to begin its implementation with those organic wastes that are easier to treat separately and gradually progress to those associated with greater operational complexity.
At Hidronor we support the progress of this type of initiative and thanks to our services focused on the management, treatment and recovery of industrial and hazardous waste we will continue to add value to caring for the environment and the sustainable growth of industries in Chile.
Source: La Tercera