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Industry News

The first eco-label, "I choose to recycle", already has two thousand authorized containers

La primera eco-etiqueta Elijo Reciclar ya cuenta con dos mil envases autorizados

Recent years in Chile have been marked by a significant progress in terms of recycling and improvements on the environment, shown by the country’s alarming figures. In terms of containers and packaging, for example, it is estimated that each year more than two million tons of products enter the market, of which a high percentage of these end up being eliminated.

To curb these numbers, the second Clean Production Agreement (APL) was recently signed by various institutions, thanks to which nearly two thousand containers have already been authorized to be introduced into the market with the "I choose to recycle" eco-label, expecting the consumers to prefer these over other alternatives, knowing that at least 80% of the material that makes up each container can be recycled.

This project is expected to generate greater citizen knowledge that translates into changes in consumption habits, facilitating compliance with the Extended Producer Responsibility Law (EPR Law), which constitutes a very important step to face the problem of waste in Chile.

To move forward, this agreement aims to continue adding more companies and mass consumption products to the project while working on the development of regulations that regulate the implementation of eco-labelling at the national level.

Learn more about this initiative here.


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