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Industry News

First regulations for the implementation of the Recycling Law

Primeros reglamentos para la implementación de la Ley de Reciclaje

Published on March 21, 2017.-

The approval of the Recycling Law, by the Council of Ministers, is a decisive and fundamental step for the sustainability of the regulations that govern this type of matter.

This law will make factories and / or importers of 6 products such as lubricating oils, electrical appliances, batteries, containers, tires and batteries, have to take care of the waste generated by their products once their useful life ends. The regulation includes mandatory collection targets.

In this way, the generation of waste will decrease and recycling will be promoted through the establishment of the Extended Producer Responsibility (REP) and other waste management instruments, in order to protect people's health and the environment.

In Chile, about 17 million tons of waste are produced each year. Of this high number, about 7 million correspond to household waste. This implies that the rate of waste generation is greater than one kilo per day per inhabitant, a figure that increases every year, so the implementation of the law will be of the utmost importance to move on the right path towards adequate waste treatment.

Source: CodexVerde


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