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Protocol of good cleaning and disinfection practices for COVID-19

Protocolo de buenas prácticas de limpieza y desinfección por el COVID-19

Posted on August 3, 2020.

Over the past few months we have experienced one of the most complex health scenarios we have ever remembered with the spread of COVID-19. This pandemic has forced the institutions in charge to establish new rules for cleaning, disinfection, safe collection of contaminated supplies and the correct use of chemical products to avoid increasing contagion and negative effects on the environment.

Based on this objective, and in order to collaborate with the municipalities to correctly apply the new recommendations and regulations, the Ministry of the Environment, together with the Ministry of Science, Technology, Knowledge and Innovation, made public the "Protocol of Good Environmental Cleaning and Disinfection Practices in places with high traffic of people ”.

According to the document, if not properly used or disposed of, hazardous chemicals and wastes can cause severe damage to the ecosystem. Therefore, some recommendations are: to use only disinfectants with virucidal activity authorized by the Chilean Public Health Institute and in a localized way (do not spray outdoors); Waste that is considered hazardous waste must be managed and disposed of in accordance with current regulations for this type of waste: S.D. No. 148/2004; Do not spray chlorine or other chemicals on the waste, as it could generate dangerous gases or burn workers who handle these waste. among others.

At Hidronor we recommend the implementation of these good practices. Together we can contribute to caring for people's health and the environment!

You can download the "Protocol of Good Housekeeping Practices" here:



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