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Industry News

Project "Green Credit" seeks to support environmentally friendly initiatives

Proyecto “Crédito Verde” busca apoyar iniciativas amigables con el medio ambiente

Published on June 30, 2020.

In order to build a stronger economy and promote sustainable investments to face the post-COVID-19 economic reactivation, the Production Development Corporation (Corfo) announced the creation of the “Green Credit”. Initiative that seeks to increase the development of projects for the generation or storage of Non-Conventional Renewable Energies (NCRE), Energy Efficiency, and environmental improvements in production processes (waste reuse, recycling, among others), with the aim of reducing the effects climate change and / or improve the environmental sustainability of companies.

”In Corfo We are convinced that it is not possible to think about development, if it is not sustainable. The Green Credit seeks to promote those initiatives that are a contribute to the environment and help mitigate the effects of climate change (...) and to a more solid economic reactivation (…) ”, stated Pablo Terrazas, Executive Vice President of Corfo.

This initiative, which is expected to take effect from July of this year, has a budget of US $ 39 million for this 2020, and will benefit all those companies that register annual sales of up to UF 600 thousand, being able to access financing of up to 70% of the total investment, for a maximum term of 15 years.

To know more details and conditions of the Green Credit click here.


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