It is no secret to anyone that Chile is going through the deepest and most extensive drought in its history for 13 years. As proof of this, 2021 was the fourth driest year on record in the country since 1950, only surpassed by the droughts of 1968, 1998 and 2019. Therefore, taking care of water and using different strategies that aim at its reuse is more urgent than ever.
Thus, with the objective of regulating the use and obtaining of water for industrial processes, on January 25 a new bill was entered in the Senate that seeks to regulate and promote wastewater treatment and reuse systems.
This initiative is relevant since currently our legislation does not contemplate specific standards for the use of residual water in rural sectors, but rather regulates the conditions for the discharge of said flows into natural channels and water quality standards for irrigation.
Aware of this scenario, at Hidronor we face this national problem by contributing to its solution. In detail, we not only recover and revalue waste so that it can be reused by other companies, but we also take advantage of some, such as Liquid Industrial Waste (RILes) to use in our own production processes once they have been treated.
The treatment of these liquids -which enter our plants as hazardous liquid waste- such as RILs from processes and contaminated water, we carry out through physical-chemical processes to reduce the dangerous components with a control of the process parameters, with which that we minimize the use of industrial water.
At Hidronor we are committed to sustainable water management. Let's take care of each other!