Canal Venta Telefónica


Useful Tips

What to do with used batteries?


Published on May 29, 2014.-

Most batteries are made up of heavy metals like mercury, cadmium, nickel, and zinc. With time and erosion, the protective layer of the pile disappears and the rain carries the remains, gradually releasing its contents, making its way through the earth until it meets an underground layer of water, contaminating it.

Learn about the effects of these heavy metals on our body:

Mercury: It damages the brain, the kidneys, it can even affect the fetus and cause mental retardation.

Lead: It damages the nervous system, kidneys and reproductive system.

Lithium: It is a neurotoxic and is toxic to the kidney.

Cadmium: Can cause serious damage to the lungs, nostrils and digestive system disorders.

Nickel: Damages the skin. In addition, it causes chronic bronchitis, and cancer of the lung and nasal passages.

The solution, to know what to do with used batteries, is very simple, they must be deposited in special containers. If you do not have a battery receiver nearby, you can collect them in a bag, and then go to leave it in a place that has the conditions to store them, there these materials are recovered and again used to make other products.

In this way, a hazardous waste is recycled and it is prevented from contaminating the environment and damaging health.


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