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Soil remediation: Resources are needed.

Remediación de suelos: Se necesitan recursos.

Published on February 17, 2016.-

Drought and forest fires are the two major problems that affect soils. Some of the contaminated sites have produced negative impacts on the population, causing it to seek quick and effective solutions.

The problem is that since there are no soil quality regulations, it means that in many cases no one assumes the costs of remediation of these lands contaminated by hazardous waste, in addition to the fact that state resources are very limited to implement solutions.

This is why the magazine InduAmbiente summoned 5 specialists in the field to discuss the subject in a forum, where Maritza Rojas, Head of the Office of Waste and Environmental Risk of the Ministry of the Environment, stated on this subject, adding that "it is not easy to define what a contaminated site is" and that "the Ministry of Environment he has a long-standing job linked to the management of these sites ”.

According to InduAmbiente, “risk assessment is an expensive process, so project management has been strengthened at the country level FNDR to get funds to finance research in this type of initiative”.

Source: Revista InduAmbiente


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