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Hidronor News

We reverified the Asiquim Responsible Care® Management System for three more years

Reverificamos por tres años más el Sistema de Gestión Responsible Care de Asiquim

In our commitment to sustainability, we recently successfully managed the reverification in the Responsible Care® Management System (or Responsible Conduct®) of the Association of Chemical Industrialists of Chile (ASIQUIM), thus maintaining our certification for three more years as voluntary commitment of the global chemical industry to promote continuous improvement and excellence in performance in the areas of occupational health, environmental protection, social responsibility, industrial safety and protection of facilities, among others.     

Responsible Care® seeks to safeguard the international program of the chemical industry and the recertification applies to our three treatment centers nationwide: treatment and final disposal center at the Pudahuel Plant, Metropolitan region; Copiulemu plant, Biobío region; and Antofagasta Plant, in the Antofagasta region.

It is important to note that this program is managed at the international level by the International Council Of Chemical Associations (ICCA), an institution that has a working group called the Responsible Care Leadership Group (RCLG) especially dedicated to delivering and safeguarding the guidelines for the local application of this program in the 65 countries that today recognize and implement this Ethics of the Chemical Industry. 

At Hidronor we support this type of initiative and promote environmental sustainability in Chile with our hazardous industrial waste management, treatment and disposal service, which we carry out in facilities specially designed and enabled to carry out prior management of temporary storage, physical chemical treatment and subsequent disposal in security deposits governed by quality and environmental standards.


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